• Delivery Mode: Online (link to be circulated - phone-friendly)
• Estimated time: 30-45 min (individually, at the participant’s convenience)
• No limit on number of participants and no log in / registration required
Content summary (no assessment):
• What does it feel like to be a parliamentary debater?
• Thinking about things in terms of 'motions', 'definitions', 'burdens of proof', and 'clashes'
• Rules and formats - Asians style and British parliamentary
• Delivery mode: Online (link to be circulated - phone-friendly)
• Estimated time: 3 hours (individually, at the participant’s convenience; need not be done in one go)
• No limit on number of participants but log in / registration required
Content summary (short readings and video material with quizzes for self-assessment):
• Strong and weak arguments
• Fallacies, axioms, and assumptions
• Identifying types of arguments: Deductive / non-deductive, empirical / theoretical, normative / non-normative
• Delivery mode: In-person (at the NLSIU campus)
• Estimated time: Four hours per batch in two sessions of two hours each (two batches either side of lunch on Saturday and Sunday - each participant only attends one batch)
• Maximum of 48 participants in four batches of 12 each (registration required)
Content summary (individual and team exercises with feedback):
• Practical Exercise 1: Creating and refuting arguments (short individual speeches - 1 hour)
• Practical Exercise 2: Making up stuff (case construction in teams of three - 1 hour)
• Practice debate 1 (1 hour)
• Practice debate 2 (1 hour)
Know your trainers
Aditya (NLS batch of 2009)
Aditya is an independent advocate practicing in Delhi. He is qualified as an Advocate-on-Record at the Supreme Court of India as well as a solicitor in England and Wales. When he doesn’t have enough cases, he spends his time teaching debate and critical thinking.
Uttara (NLS batch of 2009)
Uttara has led business strategy teams at Swiggy and its subsidiary SuprDaily. She has also been a senior consultant at McKinsey and Company in Bengaluru. She holds a master’s degree in Development Economics and International Development from the John F Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. She hopes to get over her disappointment of not being a gold-medallist at NLS by telling herself that, in the end, it really does not matter.
Yaman (NLS batch of 2010)
Yaman topped the NLS entrance exam for his batch, and life has been downhill for him ever since. He never had to worry about gold medals, and is a Partner at Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas and Co. He has also been a trainer at the Asian Debating Institute, South Korea.